Infinite Being by Glenda

Infinite Being by Glenda

Get to know your Holistic Healer, Glenda Finegan. I love helping people heal and use the modalities of sound therapy, Reiki and Access Bars®️. These are gentle, non-invasive, alternative therapies that work on the energy from which we are all made up. These therapies can benefit and assist particularly in stress relief, anxiety, sleeplessness and…

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FiXiT Health Hub

[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1620910109409{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;background-color: #1c1c1c !important;}”][vc_column][argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type=”bordered” tabs_layout_2=”ontop” tabs_title_typo=”font_size~18||weight~inherit”][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title=”Home” tab_id=”1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_single_image image=”12826″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Services: Nia Reiki Tai Chi Kung Fu Massage Iridology Reflexology Family Constellations Inner Child Development Transpersonal Numerology Health & Nutrition Workshops doTERRA Essential Oils Events Self Defense Workshops and Classes Joy: Natural Health and…

Hanako Wellness
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Hanako Wellness

[vc_row][vc_column][argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type=”bordered” tabs_layout_2=”ontop” tabs_title_typo=”font_size~18||weight~inherit”][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title=”Home” tab_id=”1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][lvca_spacer][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_single_image image=”11968″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_rounded”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]While risk management has become central to professional life, personal health and wellness are not yet part of our to-do lists until we are forced by crisis. It is time to mitigate your health risks with Hanakos Wellness Consultant and Practitioner, Thamini Naidoo. Corporate wellness has…

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Holographic Healing

[vc_row][vc_column][argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type=”bordered” tabs_layout_2=”ontop” tabs_title_typo=”font_size~18||weight~inherit”][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title=”Home” tab_id=”1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471″][lvca_spacer][argenta_sc_text] Services: Reiki Energy healing Integrated Healing(applied Kiniesiology) Traditional healing Sweat lodge/Ceremony facilitation House clearing Drum repair and refurbishment Smudge wands Smudge sticks Healing wands Rune kits Fire-staves We specialising in Healing Energy Kiniesiology Integrated Healing Reiki in Durban, Hillcrest, Waterfall area.   Holographic Healing The art of Intergrated Healing…

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Damian Wood Psychic Medium

[vc_row][vc_column][argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type=”bordered” tabs_layout_2=”ontop” tabs_title_typo=”font_size~18||weight~inherit”][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title=”Home” tab_id=”1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471″][lvca_spacer][argenta_sc_text]  Reconnect with Spirit Rediscover your Life Force Restore Balance   PSYCHIC MEDIUM As a Psychic Medium, I am able to connect with spirit guides, where I receive messages about a clients past, present and future. These messages may be beneficial to help bring clarity on their lives and where it may…

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Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics & Natural Therapies

[vc_row][vc_column][argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type=”bordered” tabs_layout_2=”ontop” tabs_title_typo=”font_size~18||weight~inherit”][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title=”Home” tab_id=”1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471″][lvca_spacer][argenta_sc_text] Sunshine Academy of Metaphysics & Natural Therapies   You are sitting there wondering whether this is right for you, so too do you feel a flutter of excitement and a sense of “this is it!” Everyone wants to be happy and successful, right? So what’s holding you back? Join…

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Keeping it Natural

[vc_row][vc_column][argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type=”bordered” tabs_layout_2=”ontop” tabs_title_typo=”font_size~18||weight~inherit”][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title=”Home” tab_id=”1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471″][lvca_spacer][argenta_sc_text] Keeping it Natural Dr Suzette de Waal Ph.D Body Alignment Negative emotional experiences become subconsciously locked in our body at cellular level and become part of our biological systems. Body Alignment clears these subconscious memory Pathways Home Alignment Balance homes, offices and commercial buildings Hypnotherapist IMDHA Past Life Regression…

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Diana Holloway- Spiritual Mentoring

[vc_row][vc_column][argenta_sc_tabs tabs_type=”bordered” tabs_layout_2=”ontop” tabs_title_typo=”font_size~18||weight~inherit”][argenta_sc_tabs_inner title=”Home” tab_id=”1594845475419-c1b27e9b-ca38df6b-a471″][lvca_spacer][argenta_sc_text] “Life Alignment is a journey of discovery, a movement of the sou ltowards Oneness of body, heart and mind.” Life Alignment(incorporating Body Alignment) is an integrated system of energy healing that helps release mental, emotional and energetic blockages from the physical and subtle bodies, bringing them into harmony and…